Get Intimate With Your Shadow & Unlock Your Hidden Gifts

A Course Taking Your Shadow Work To Another Level.


Feeling like your Shadow work journey is becoming more of a spiritual-tick-box exercise?

Maybe after doing 'the work' you're still feeling in the dark about how to actually accept & integrate your Shadow?

Perhaps you're feeling done with the Shadow hunt & instead deeply desire to experience some internal harmony with your Shadow?

....Welcome to Shadow Love, a 3 part video series to support you with cultivating a deeper sense of self acceptance & intimacy. Ultimately, helping with expanding your capacity to love the parts of you, you've been taught not to.

This short course also introduces some illumination to the alchemy available to you through journeying with the shadow & its' different archetypal expressions. Supporting you to unlock your hidden gifts and live more authentically expressed.

This is a more enriching & holistic approach to Shadow work to help you navigate the journey safely.  The course provides tools & suggestions for supporting the Mind, Body and Spirit to move through the intensity & inevitable trigger discomfort on this journey inwards.


Shadow work illuminates the hidden aspects of the subconscious but to do this we need to be able to identify the defence mechanisms the ego uses- including projection. We also need to support the mind with feeling safe as we dive into the unknown, Shadow Love shares how to do this.


Shadow Love doesn't bypass the importance of supporting the nervous system during the discomfort of triggers through uncovering & integrating the Shadow. The body is a map of the subconscious so Shadow Love honours the activation takes places in the body too. This course shares tangible tools to support your body in this deepening.


Shadow Love acknowledges that spiritual growth involves expanding our capacity to love BOTH our Light & our Dark. That we can only meet others as deeply as we can meet ourselves. Shadow Love doesn't bypass the role of Soul evolution through building intimacy with the Shadow based on the idea that our Soul's select the specific Shadows we are to experience in this lifetime perfect for our spiritual maturity & growth. 

Part 1: The Shadow & The Spiritual Journey

Understanding why its' important to access these hidden aspects of ourselves & how this can help us live more fulfilled & authentic life. Shifting from Shadow as a doing, to Shadow Love as an embodied way of being through journeying with the Shadow.

  • Acknowledge and integrate your Shadow aspects for Soul evolution and spiritual growth
  • Self-awareness leads to conscious choices & liberation from subconscious conditioning
  • Embracing Shadow Love journey cultivates deep self acceptance and compassion & unlocks gifts

Part 2: Archetypes & Alchemy

Exploring archetypal energy in both the Shadow & Light expression, deepening understanding around how this support you through transformation. Illuminating the alchemical potential living within the Shadow for discovering your Inner Gold. 

  • Identify your inner archetypal characters, their shadow expressions and why they want to emerge this season.
  • Acceptance of these inner characters through understanding they had/have a role to play, initiating Shadow Alchemy.
  • Embrace your archetypes through creating safe arenas for their expression in your world

Part 3: Cultivating Shadow Intimacy

Exploring how journeying with the Shadow aspects from a trinity approach can be deeply nourishing & supportive for you through this deep self analysis. Learning specific tools that tend to the Mind, Body & Spirit to cultivate a richer intimacy with Shadow aspects. 

  • Mind-Body-Spirit trinity approach to Shadow Love journey helps holistically support you
  • Body work helps build capacity to navigate internal triggers & external changes that come with integration
  • Spiritual tools can help illuminate the 'why' behind certain shadows for our soul's evolution

Investment  £55

This includes a 3 part video series, workbooks for each lesson & a meditation to support your Shadow Love journey. 

Click the Shadow Love Course to purchase.


"Working with Toni-Anne has been an incredible experience & has given me a deeper understanding on my path of emotional healing as well as energy management. I now understand myself even more deeply and my path with clarity. The intuitive aspect of our sessions has helped me with re-aligning my energy and perspective again. Her style is fun, loving & educational".


"Working with Toni-Anne was a beautiful experience. I was having challenges with coming to love my inner critic and allowing my masculine energy to feel loved in order to not feel like it needed to be overactive all of the time. I had no idea how heavy some of these burdens were and how they were impacting my life. She helped me acknowledge where I was out of my truth, create more awareness & stop a lot of the self judgement. Toni-Anne is an intuitive and wise leader that guides you in the journey authentically, I felt in complete trust of her intuitive, authentic & wise guidance and experienced alot of emotional & energetic release through our time together." 


"Sessions with Toni-Anne are absolutely amazing. She invites parts of your personality out to play that you forgot have been sitting on the naughty step for far too long.

 I feel my authenticity fully activated, ready & excited about my life! So much is happening, opportunities that I didn't imagine, since working with Toni-Anne & speaking my heart courageously where I once would have stayed quiet".

About Me...

I'm Toni-Anne, a Mother, Mystic, Psychologist, Writer & Mentor obsessed with bridging mysticism & psychology. I have almost 15 years experience of client working, helping navigate the challenges & complexities of this human experience. I also have a background in academic teaching (psychology) for the last 6 years. I am a cancer sun, leo moon/rising & 3/5 manifestor for astrology & human design lovers. I am deeply passionate about helping co-create lives which radiate authenticity & soul aligned living in the liberation of being exactly who we came here to be, doing what we came here to do.